Monthly Archives: June 2017

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Sharing custody? Find the schedule that works for you

Finding a fair parenting time schedule can be an extraordinary challenge for two parents. After all, many parents don’t want to give up time with their kids in the first…

5 common causes of catastrophic crashes

Car crashes can happen in the blink of an eye. In one minute, you can be thinking about the fastest way to get home from work; in the next minute,…

Who makes the decision on whether you should receive alimony?

Adjusting to life after divorce is not easy for most people. After years of living with someone, raising kids together and splitting household responsibilities, it takes some time to make…

Equitable division: know what is and isn’t marital property

When considering divorce, it is important for individuals in North Carolina to think not only about asset division, but also about how the division will affect their finances after the…

Helping kids with divorce-related transitions

A divorce triggers many life transitions or changes in daily routines for the divorcing individuals and their entire family, especially their children. The way in which these transitions progress could…