3 things men should not believe during a divorce

Divorce is an upsetting event for any person going through it. However, men are also often battling against outdated beliefs and slowly changing laws, which can further complicate matters.

Men who are getting divorced can therefore misunderstand their rights and options in these situations, which can contribute to unfair settlements and painful disputes, so it is important to clear up a few of the common assumptions people make about men and divorce.

Do not believe that fathers never get custody

In most cases, parents will work together to create a parenting plan that supports the best interests of the kids. Oftentimes, this is a co-parenting arrangement where both parents spend equal or almost equal time with the kids.

If a case goes to court, however, then fathers should be prepared to defend themselves because although mothers should not be favored in custody disputes, there are judges and professionals who still believe that mothers are better caregivers. This is especially true when children are very young.

Do not believe that men always pay support

Recent data from the Pew Research Center shows that there has been a dramatic rise in the number of dual-income families as well as stay-at-home fathers. In other words, fewer households are comprised of a breadwinner father and stay-at-home mother.

As such, it is no longer safe to assume a man will have to pay spousal support. Further, depending on the details of a custody arrangement, a father could be in the position to collect child support from the mother if he has primary custody.

Do not believe that you are in this alone

Men may feel pressured to figure things out on their own or avoid getting emotional during family legal disputes. However, the truth is that this is a complicated, upsetting process and every person has emotional challenges to navigate and rights to protect.

With this in mind, we urge men across North Carolina who are facing a divorce, child custody or alimony battle to take seriously their options for help and support. Whether this includes a counselor, financial analyst, mediator and/or attorney, getting help can allow you to get through this process and focus on building a better future.

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