Monthly Archives: August 2018

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Divorced parents face new challenges in back to school season

Keeping up with children is hard. With kids now returning to school, knowing what supplies to buy and what fashion statements to avoid is a challenge for every parent. When…

The basics of North Carolina property division

The concept of property division can seem simple and straightforward. A couple decides to divorce, and they must divide their property. Something that sounds so easy in theory, however can…

Back to school can be difficult for children after a divorce

A divorce is hard on everyone involved. Even in the most problematic relationships where two spouses cannot wait to be legally divorced, the legal process adds unique stress. While adults…

Keeping your career on track during divorce

Even if the decision to divorce was mutual, it will still impact your life in significant ways. You can have the most amicable divorce possible, but still get distracted by…

Student loans and debt can drive couples apart

Marriage is a partnership between two individuals. No matter what how love-stricken and ready you may feel going into a marriage, life as a couple is different than life as…

The advantages of being the first to file for divorce

Marriages can disintegrate in a variety of ways. One spouse may be unhappy for a long time, while the other may not even realize there’s a problem. In other cases,…

School supplies: who pays when parents are separated or divorced?

Your kids are probably not excited about summer ending and going back to school – and there is a good chance you are not thrilled about the new school year…

A guide to social media and divorce

Facebook has grown so popular that it may seem like second nature to post frequent updates about your life, including your divorce. While it may not seem like a big…