When might supervised visitation be necessary?

One of the first and most important aspects that will be settled during divorce is child custody. Often, both parents reach an amicable agreement over what their parental roles will be. Failing that, the court will step in and rule on custody based on the best interest of the child. Custody orders can also be modified at a later date, providing there is a suitable reason for doing so.

A term you may have heard before is supervised visitation. Essentially, this involves one parent seeing their child but in a controlled environment with another responsible adult overseeing the visit. Why might this type of visitation be necessary?

If abuse has occurred (or is alleged)

The courts are generally reluctant to strip a parent of their rights completely. If a parent has been abusive in the past but is seeking to turn their life around, then the court may permit visitation on a supervised basis. Sometimes, the abuse is merely alleged, in which case the court may order supervised visitation until the issue can be fully explored.

When a parent is ill

Often, there is no sinister reason for supervised visitation, it can be put in place to give the parent some help. For instance, the parent may have a physical or mental illness that means they get tired quickly. Their love for their child and desire to see them has not waned, and there is no danger to the child, but supervised visits just make it a little easier for everyone involved. Generally, this is a temporary measure.

There are a host of reasons why supervised visitation may be ordered by the courts. If you have any questions about your rights as a parent, then seeking legal guidance should clear matters up for you.

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