How does mediation help resolve child custody matters?

Family litigation can cause unimaginable stress for you, your ex and your children. Aside from the pressure of going to trial, its costs might be expensive. Fortunately, the court provides mediation to resolve essential affairs, such as child custody and visitation.

Custody mediation helps parents tackle critical matters concerning their children. During this process, a mediator will join and facilitate discussions to help make decisions out of court.

These mediators will help parents review and resolve disputes while prioritizing the child’s welfare. An impartial party could help conduct more productive conversations about the best way to raise the child.

Additionally, mediation allows parents to set arrangements based on what they know about their child’s lifestyle and routine. By doing so, the child also benefits from the custody mediation process.

Is custody mediation required for all cases?

Undergoing custody mediation is a requirement unless waived by the court. If the parents prefer to resolve their differences through other methods, they can file a motion and order to waive it. Then, the court will decide if they will grant the request.

However, they might only do so for specific reasons, such as:

  • Inconvenience due to proximity
  • Implications of domestic abuse
  • Impairments, such as addictions or mental disorders
  • The parents chose to undergo private mediation

If the parents decide to go through custody mediation, they can begin the process right after filing the case. Then, they will attend an orientation class before entering the mediation session. It can last up to around two hours.

If the case needs more time, the mediator can help set up an additional session if the parents agree. Once concluded, the mediator will document the custody decisions in a parenting agreement. A judge will receive and review this agreement before signing it.

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