What affects my eligibility for alimony after divorce?

Divorcing couples could face various challenges during proceedings based on their family’s situation. Sometimes, the family depends on the income of the only earner of the two parties. In that case, the court could interfere and help create arrangements that allow the couple to live independently after ending their marriage.

Depending on the circumstances, the court might order the supporting spouse to provide alimony to the other. Sometimes, it is necessary, especially when the dependent spouse has obligations at home that could keep them from seeking full-time employment. It usually begins after divorce, but alimony details could vary based on what the court considers appropriate.

The judge typically reviews the divorce details before determining whether alimony is necessary. They would consider the following factors before deciding to include it in the divorcing couple’s agreement:

  • Earning capacity of each party
  • Their age and health conditions
  • Educational attainment of each party
  • Their marriage’s duration
  • Each party’s contributions to the household during their marriage
  • Basic needs of each party
  • Any form of marital misconduct

Still, the judge could use other factors depending on the family’s situation. These considerations could include violence and signs of substance abuse by either party.

When does alimony end?

The court has no exact guidelines on how long alimony should last. The judge could determine a deadline based on the divorce’s facts. Then, they could indicate this timeline in the agreement when finalizing the divorce.

Still, some events could override the judge’s set schedule. Alimony typically ends when the dependent spouse remarries or receives support from a new spouse. Additionally, alimony payments stop immediately if either spouse dies.

Divorce should not lead to financial ruin

When a couple ends their marriage, divorce provides a way to do so without leading either party to poverty. When couples disagree over alimony, the court could give them a proper setup based on evidence discussed during proceedings. Doing so could help both parties find independence and live fruitful lives after the divorce.

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