Family Law: What To Expect At Your First Meeting

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What To Expect – First Meeting With A Family Law Attorney

If you are planning for divorce and preparing for your first meeting with a divorce lawyer, you are no doubt wondering what to expect. A divorce involves many sensitive issues, and they can be difficult to talk about.

At Lancaster and St. Louis, PLLC, we understand that the prospect of discussing your divorce may be daunting. Our attorneys, LeAnn Lancaster and Hilary St. Louis, are caring and experienced family law attorneys who do their best to put you at ease so that you can candidly address the circumstances of your divorce.

What Will We Discuss At My First Appointment?

At your first meeting, we will honestly discuss your legal options, explain every step of the divorce process and provide a realistic assessment of your situation. You can trust us to answer all your questions and address any concerns you may have. We strive to provide excellent client service for you during this challenging time.

Some of the topics that our attorneys may discuss with you include:

We Will Help Find The Best Method, Then Craft A Unique Strategy

There are several ways to approach a divorce. We will first discuss mediation and negotiation, as these methods are typically more amicable and cost-effective for both parties. However, if alternative dispute resolution is not possible in your case, we will also talk about proceeding to trial.

Once we have helped you determine how you wish to approach your divorce, we will strategically develop a personalized legal strategy for your case. We tailor our legal counsel to fit your personal circumstances.

Schedule Your First Appointment

You can schedule an initial consultation with Lancaster and St. Louis, PLLC, by calling our Concord office at 704-792-1277 or by contacting us by email.

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