Cabarrus County Child Custody & Support Lawyer

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Cabarrus County Child Custody & Support Attorney

We understand the challenges and legal complexities that come with matters involving your children. Whether you are going through a divorce in Cabarrus County or are having a disagreement with the other parent, a Cabarrus County child custody and support lawyer from Lancaster and St. Louis can give you the support you need. Our team of Cabarrus County family lawyers is here to help you with every step of the legal process to reach a fair resolution by serving as your trusted advocates.

Deciding on a Child Custody Arrangement

In the state of North Carolina, when multiple parties are making a legal claim for the custody of the same child, they must take part in a child custody mediation program. This gives parents and guardians the chance to come up with an agreed-upon custody arrangement and avoid going to court. It is recommended for both parties to do what they can to come up with an agreement together. If a matter of child custody goes to trial, parents may have less of a say in the decision.

The courts may consider many factors when deciding on a child custody arrangement. The main goal is to determine what would be in the child’s best interest, regardless of what the parents might believe is fair. Some key elements that may impact a judge’s decision about custody include:

  • Both parent’s ability to take care of the child
  • The child’s age, needs, and welfare
  • The child’s preference
  • The living arrangements of both parents
  • The nature of the child’s relationship with each of their parents

These factors, and several others, are usually considered in conjunction to determine the most appropriate custody arrangement for the child. It’s essential to speak with a lawyer to understand what factors are most applicable to your specific case.

Determining Child Support in Cabarrus County, NC

Child Support in Cabarrus County is generally calculated using the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines, which considers many factors to determine what amount of support would be suitable. The income of each parent is usually the primary factor that is taken into consideration for support payments, in addition to the cost of health insurance, overall child care, and any other reasonable expenses.

A parent who has existing child support obligations for other children or has children who live with them primarily may have their support payments or financial responsibility for the other children deducted from their income.

State child support guidelines are presumptive. The court will generally follow the guidelines but may deviate from them under circumstances that warrant deviation. In these cases, additional factors may be considered to come up with an appropriate child support amount.

Lancaster and St. Louis: Your Cabarrus County Child Custody & Support Lawyers

Work with our law firm and allow us to assist you with your child custody and support case. We can address any concerns you have, create a plan to help you and the other parent come to an agreement that works for both of you, assist with modifications, and advocate aggressively for your interests in court, if it comes to that. Reach out to our office today to get started.

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