Category Archives: Child Custody & Parenting Plans

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Is your ex struggling with substance abuse?

The relationship with your ex just wasn’t meant to be. You’ve divorced and decided to go your separate ways. However, you have children, so there will always be some sort…

Can your child choose where to live after a divorce?

An interesting fact about North Carolina is that the court will hear a child’s wishes when they’re old enough to make them known. In your divorce case, this is important,…

Traveling with your child to another state for vacation

Like many parents, you may be planning a summer vacation out of state with your children. This can be a fun and exciting time for the whole family, but it’s…

Divorce with multiple children can pose unique challenges

Going through a divorce is a challenging situation for an adult, but it’s even more difficult when you have children involved. Having more than one child when you’re in the…

How do you address a co-parent who doesn’t show up for the kids?

Co-parenting with your ex after the end of your relationship will be a challenge even if both of you commit to being respectful and focusing on the kids. If your…

How do I deal with an ex who won’t let me see my child?

Divorce or separation can be emotionally taxing. One of the issues a divorcing couple must deal with if they have a child together is custody arrangement. Depending on the arrangement,…

Parenting after divorce: 2 tips to make co-parenting work

No one gets married expecting to divorce or separate. Unfortunately, one in two marriages ends in divorce in the United States. If you have children, the relationship with your ex…

Can you get a custody modification over holiday disputes?

Custody orders or not, it’s not unusual for divorced parents to end up in disputes over their holiday plans. Usually, those disputes center around who has the children at what…

3 common questions parents have about custody

Physical custody refers to the parent the child lives with, and legal custody is used to describe which parent has the right to make important decisions about the child’s life,…

Why equally shared co-parenting requires flexibility

Increasingly, divorcing parents are working out 50/50 custody agreements so that they can both remain involved in their children’s lives. While sharing parenting time equally is often best for the…

Minimize the stress of transition days for your children

Transition days are sometimes a huge source of stress for children. They may worry that they will have to see their parents being unkind to each other. There isn’t really…

Don’t forget extracurricular activities when developing your parenting plan

When you’re working out a parenting plan with your co-parent, it’s often wise to make it as detailed as possible. This can help you think about how you will navigate…

The difference between physical and legal custody

When parents divorce in North Carolina, they will either set their own custody terms or ask courts to create a parenting plan. Joint custody is the most common solution in…

Teenage struggles during divorce can cause stress and anxiety

As a parent, it is your responsibility to do whatever you can to help your children get through difficult times. During a divorce, your teenager may have difficulties that they…

Co-parents should start planning for summer now

Suppose your shared custody arrangement with your co-parent is still relatively new. In that case, you’re probably still getting used to working out the issues in your school-year schedule. However,…